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The 2019 IAFF 4th District Caucus and Educational Conference will be held at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland from September 15-17, 2019. This program will be delivered through the IAFF District Partnership Education Program (PEP) and will offer tracks in Behavioral Health, Legal Issues, Negotiations, Topics in Affiliate Leadership, and Health and SafetyI would like to thank our General President and the outstanding team in the IAFF Department of Education for providing the resources that are necessary to deliver this program. I look forward to seeing you at this excellent training opportunity for our members.


Registration Fee of $135 includes course modules, course materials, certificates of completion, breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, and a welcome crab feast.


District Caucus and PEP Educational Sessions

Monday September 16th from 9AM-5PM and Tuesday September 17th from 9AM-1PM.

Click HERE to register for the 4th District PEP Educational Conference.

Peer Support Trainer Program - COURSE FULL

Monday September 16th from 8AM-5PM and Tuesday September 17th from 8AM-5PM.

Click HERE to register for the Peer Support Trainer Program.

*Peer Support Trainer Registration Fee is $250.



Discounted IAFF Rate of $169 per night includes lodging, fitness center, and internet.


Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor

401 W Pratt Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Click HERE to book lodging for the 4th District Caucus and Educational Conference.



Recognizing that some of our affiliates do not have the financial resources to attend conferences and conventions, we want to ensure that budget constraints do not prohibit our affiliate leaders from attaining valuable resources. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we will offer several scholarships to attend the 4th District Caucus and Educational Conference.

Please click
HERE to apply for an Educational Scholarship. The scholarship will cover the Conference Registration Fee and accommodations for two nights at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel. Applicants should demonstrate financial need and identify how they would apply the information gained from attending the 4th District Caucus and Educational Conference.




Local Union Governance (2 hours): Through its constitution and by-laws, your local establishes its basic organization, including the duties and responsibilities of your local union officers, executive board and committees, as well as the various procedures that govern different types of meetings. Your local’s constitution and by-laws should provide the precepts necessary for governing your members. It should meet their needs, as well as be flexible for reasonable and future change. In this module, you will learn the important aspects of your local’s constitution and by-laws, be given tools to understand how this document influences your role as a union leader, and how to properly govern your local based on this important text.


Budgeting for Local Unions (2 hours): Budgeting is an essential function for those who safeguard local union assets. In this workshop, you will learn the art of planning your local’s income and expenditures. Topics discussed will include preparing, adopting and amending your budget as well as common income and expenditure categories that should be part of your plan.

Crisis Communications (2 hours): For a local to effectively address a crisis that may hit the Local requires organization and planning. This workshop will address how to plan and organize in the case of a crisis, how to communicate with the public and media when an unexpected event should occur that could have a negative impact. 


Lobbying 101: Understanding the Local Legislative Process (2 hours): Whether at the local, state or federal level, learning and knowing how to lobby elected officials is one of the most effective ways to gain favorable legislation. Understanding the process and learning how to identify, organize and implement an action plan is an asset to provide a positive impact for fire fighter issues. In this workshop you will examine the basics of lobbying and how to effectively address and organize an action plan in dealing with elected officials.




Negotiation Strategies and Tactics (6 hours): Skilled negotiators are proficient in the key strategies and tactics that significantly improve their bargaining positions. In this workshop, you will analyze the power structure of negotiating committees, determine the real impact of your proposals, identify typical management tactics, interpret hidden meanings behind signals at the bargaining table, and make timely and appropriate counter-offers. This workshop will give you exercises to practice each of these new skills.


Understanding Municipal Budgets (2 hours): Involvement in your municipal budget process will help ensure that fire suppression, rescue and EMS delivery are top priorities in your community. This session provides an overview of the components of a municipal budget as well as real-life case studies that demonstrate skills leaders need to succeed in this arena. Participants will learn that taking an active role in the budgeting process can lessen the fights over funds after the budget is passed. This is an opportunity for participants to learn how to create their future, not have it dictated to them.




Overview of Active Shooter and Hostile Event Response (2 hours): The emerging threat of terrorism and asymmetric warfare, specifically small unit “active shooter” and improvised explosive device (IED) attacks, is a concern for the fire service. An attack by radicals armed with weapons in public areas, such as schools, shopping malls, churches or any other locations where people congregate is a real threat to a sense of security and daily lives. Fire and police departments, regardless of size or capacity, must find ways to marshal appropriate and effective responses to these events. Therefore, it is important that as a union leader, when these discussions, training, and situations arise, we are prepared to advocate properly for our membership and understand how to keep our members working safely and effectively.


Staffing for Safety: An Introduction (2 hours): Fire suppression and emergency medical activities are labor-intensive jobs that require an adequate number of fire fighters on scene to safely and effectively protect property and save lives. Recent studies by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and updates to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1710 Standards have shown that inadequate staffing can result in unnecessary loss of life and property and serious injury to fire fighters and the citizens they protect. In this workshop, you will be introduced to standards and studies that indicate best practices regarding staffing and will begin to make decisions regarding staffing in your community.


Cancer Awareness: Tools for Affiliate Leaders (2 hours): It has been clearly documented in multiple studies that fire fighters are more likely to develop a number of occupational cancers resulting from their exposure to toxic chemicals and carcinogens over the course of their employment. This workshop will review recent studies on incidence of cancer in fire fighters, and will guide affiliate leaders on the resources available to educate their members on exposure hazards from fire scene contaminants and diesel exhaust, and the necessity of post-incident decontamination. In addition this workshop will review the tools necessary to affect personal commitment and organizational accountability to minimize the contraction of occupationally related cancers.


Addressing Work/Life Balance (2 hours): When it comes to daily life—children, spouse, parents, job, house, car and everything else—challenges arise and responsibilities overlap. This workshop provides IAFF leaders with the tools to assist members in working out the issues between work and family—through a collective bargaining agreement, advocacy, or labor-management relations.




IAFF Peer Support Trainer Program: The stresses faced by fire service members throughout the course of their careers – multiple casualty events, violence, injury to children and the inherent dangers of fire fighting – can have a cumulative impact on mental health and well-being. Peer support programs have been demonstrated to be an effective method for providing support to occupational groups, including fire fighters. After completing the IAFF training, members will become IAFF Trained Peer Supporters and have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide support to their peers; educate brothers and sisters about behavioral health (e.g., PTSD and resilience); serve as a bridge to behavioral health programs and community resources; and build or enhance their peer support programs.

The IAFF Peer Support Trainer Program is limited to 30 students and requires a separate registration process. The program is delivered by the IAFF Health and Safety Department and the program cost is $250 per student.




Understanding the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (2 hours): The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that sets requirements for minimum wage and overtime compensation for employers in the United States. You should become familiar with these requirements to ensure that your department is in compliance with the law. This workshop will teach you how to calculate overtime compensation and recover lost wages if your employers are in violation of the FLSA.


Social Media Legal Issues (2 hours): Using social media to communicate with members and the community has become commonplace for affiliate leaders. This module will help affiliate leaders recognize several different social media tools that are common in today's society and learn how to utilize them safely and effectively for strengthening their local's social media presence. It will also help leaders understand several guidelines for proper use and how to communicate effectively with their local and also with the community.


Overview of The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (2 hours): The FMLA is a U.S. Federal law, passed in 1993. It provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to bond with a child or for serious health conditions, or because you have to take care of a parent, spouse or child with a serious health condition. This workshop will give you an overview of the FMLA so you can help your affiliate membership take advantage of its provisions.


Understanding Pregnancy and Parental Accommodation (2 hours): Members who become parents face increased demands on their time and resources. Local leadership needs to help assure that the local employing agency complies with applicable federal, state/provincial and local laws, allowing these members the leave time and medical accommodation they need as they build their families. In addition, this workshop reviews how local leadership can advocate for family-friendly local policies and laws.

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Professional Fire Fighters

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